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Christmas Soap “Peeled Tangerine”

Christmas Soap “Peeled Tangerine”


10 op voorraad

Product beschrijving

Soap in the form of “peeled tangerine” is a wonderful and unique gift for any holiday that will not leave anyone indifferent!

Handgemaakt in NL

100% uniek cadeau

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Soap in the form of “peeled tangerine” is a wonderful and unique gift for any holiday that will not leave anyone indifferent!
Your bathroom will have an aroma of sweet tangerine. This soap will make it easier to teach your baby to wash hands. Believe me, there will be no problems with hygiene issues! The mandarin duck will fit perfectly into children’s hands. It will make the washing procedure pleasant and will bring fun into it).
This soap from the base (England), no SLS

Shipping Continents: Europa

Shipping Countries: Nederland

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  • Shopnaam: UniqueSoapNL
  • Verkoper UniqueSoapNL
  • Adres: 2242XG wassenaar
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